Port Terminal of Cotegipe

Foto do Terminal de Cotegipe

Cotegipe Port Terminal is located in the Cotegipe Industrial and Port Complex, on the south bank of the Cotegipe channel, northwest of Ponta do Fernandinho, Aratu Bay, Salvador-BA, and is located in the following geographic coordinates: Latitude 11° 47 ’26 S and Longitude 38 ° 28 ′ 5 W.

It began operations on October 6, 2005 with the unloading of wheat at Grande Moinho Aratu, a company of the M. Dias Branco Group. As of 2006, with the construction of its first bulk warehouse, with a static capacity of 100,000 tons of soybeans, shipments of cereals for export began. The Cotegipe Port Terminal currently has two berths, with a total length of 520m, warehouses and silos for 396,000 t of grain and dumpers with a reception capacity of 1,500 t / h. The port facilities are private and mixed-use.

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